Gradings are an opportunity for you to demonstrate and celebrate everything you have been learning in your classes. In an effort to reduce stress around grading for junior belts, especially for children, Sangrok’s policy is to only invite those students to grade who we believe are ready to progress to the next belt. Students who are invited to grade will receive an invitation by email a 2-3 weeks prior to grading and must RSVP to attend. Students will be assessed across all areas of our curriculum. It is important to be familiar with the minimum requirements for each belt level. detailed information for the requirements for grading for both adults and children can be found in the Online Learning Area. Sangrok junior coloured belt gradings are generally held every 3 months.
Minimum attendance requirements for gradings
Up to red belt: In general, students who train 2 or more times each week may be invited to grade every three months. This also assumes regular practice outside of class, and that the student has met the key requirements.
Red belt and above: For students grading from red belt onwards there is a minimum of 6 months between gradings for students who attend 2 or more classes each week. At this level there is an expectation that the student trains regularly outside of classes in addition to class attendance.
While we have attendance requirements for grading eligibility, it is important that students practice taekwondo outside of classes as well. Commitment to regular practice will ensure that you will perform at your best at grading.
Pre-assessment checklist
For students grading to red belt and above, our pre-grading assessment checklist must be completed to be eligible for grading. The checklist is used to ensure that students are competent across all 6 areas of our curriculum prior to attending grading. Students are encouraged to seek and use instructor feedback to complete their checklist to a high standard before grading. Students should be aware that from red belt and above that an invitation to grading does not guarantee they will be successful at grading.
Students can approach their instructor at any time to seek feedback and complete their assessment sheet.
The pre-grading assessment should be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the grading you wish to attend so that invitations can be sent.
Double grading
In exceptional circumstances and at instructor discretion, a student may “double grade” (move up 2 belt ranks at 1 grading). This is rare, and not to be expected. Double gradings do not occur for students from red belt and above.
New students with previous taekwondo experience
Students who hold Kukkiwon registered black belt certificates are welcome to wear their current embroidered black belt, or a plain black belt at Sangrok. However, to wear a Sangrok black belt, competency across all areas of our curriculum must be demonstrated through a grading process. This is usually done at one of the blackbelt gradings.
For all other students with taekwondo experience (including WT cho dan bo or ITF black belt students) competency across our curriculum must be demonstrated at grading. All students who are new to Sangrok will begin on white belt, however, performance at grading will determine your belt rank. For example, a white belt student with previous experience may demonstrate the required skills up to 3rd kup and would be awarded a red belt. Minimum attendance requirements and double grading restrictions generally do not apply to students with previous taekwondo experience.
Students from the Radford Program
Radford students can grade to blue belt through the Radford program. To progress to red belt and above, students must attend classes at the Mitchell training facility. This is to ensure that students are across the full Sangrok curriculum prior to progressing to a senior belt.