Happy New Year to all our students and families! We hope you have had a restful and safe Christmas and New Year break and you’re ready to hit the mats soon! The Sangrok Team is looking forward to a great year of training and supporting our members to reach their taekwondo goals.


At our end-of-year celebration, we awarded our annual student achievement awards. We would like to congratulate the following students on their achievements and thank them for all they do to contribute to our club.

Student of the year (senior) – Daniel Prior
Student of the year (junior) – Olivia Jonach
Most improved – Blake Moon
Student choice – Laura Thai
Grandmaster Chang award – Matt Teki


We held our last grading for 2023 in December with almost 30 students grading! Congratulations to all the students who achieved a new belt rank at this grading.


Training will start again on Wednesday 3 January and all our normal classes will follow. For the month of January the training focus is instructor choice, so you can expect a wide variety of classes over the month!


It can get hot in the dojang, with temperatures sometimes creeping over 30ºC. It is important that you

  • Make sure you are hydrated and have eaten a light meal before training
  • Bring a drink bottle to every training session and make sure you drink water frequently (if you don’t have a bottle, we have some cups available, please ensure you wash the cup at the end of the session)
  • Wear a t-shirt to training if you feel more comfortable (t-shirts can be plain navy, plain white, or a Sangrok t-shirt from our online store)
  • Tell an instructor if you feel unwell

In line with Sports Medicine Australia recommendations, your instructor will modify training on hot days, which may include more frequent drink and rest breaks, reducing training intensity or warm up, and spending more time stretching, meditating, or teaching theory.

When temperatures exceed 30ºC in the dojang, Sports Medicine Australia recommends limiting training to 1 hour – this would mean attending only 1 of evening classes.

If temperatures in the dojang exceed 36°C, classes will be cancelled or very highly modified (stretching only). In the event of cancelled classes we will notify the students who have registered for the class via email and text message as soon as a decision has been made.


The Sangrok Team are planning some exciting events and workshops for 2024. If you have any ideas for special training or events, please let us know and we will see what we can do!


Word of mouth is the best advertising we have! Please recommend us to your family and friends and we would love it if you could please leave a 5☆ review and comment for us on Google – it really helps others in the community to be confident in approaching us as a club!


We have a private group just for Sangrok students! If we run any adhoc training sessions over the holidays, this is where we will let you know about it. Join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sangrok