The Sangrok team recently met to discuss some improvements to our club based on your feedback from our 2019 survey.  You can read about some of these changes, and other important information below:

Changes to timetable –The class timetable has been amended to provide training suitable for all our members:

Monday 5.30pm – Beginner focused class*
Monday 6.30pm – Intermediate focused class*

Wednesday 5.30pm – Beginner focused class*
Wednesday 6.30pm – Intermediate focused class*

Saturday 7.30am – General class
Saturday 8.30am – General class
Saturday 9.30am – General class
Saturday 10.30am – Poomsae focused class

* Please note that all students are welcome to attend any of these classes, however, be aware that more advanced techniques and drills will be practiced during the 6.30pm intermediate focused classes and beginner belt students will not be explicitly catered for.

Grading eligibility –Grading eligibility is based on student competency across our 6 core training areas (fitness, basics, poomsae, self defence, board breaking and sparring) and attendance at classes.

For students who are grading to red belt and above a pre-grading assessment checklist will need to be signed by an instructor prior to being invited to grade.

Senior belts’ workshops – Sangrok will be running workshops for senior belt and instructor training to ensure the continued development of all our students.

Reminder that all children must be signed into the club by a parent or guardian – Parents and guardians are reminded that ALL CHILDREN MUST BE ESCORTED INTO THE DOJANG AND SIGNED INTO OUR CLUBWORX ROLLCALL USING THE IPAD.  If students are not signed into our system each class we run the risk of not being able to contact parents/guardians in the case of emergencies. 

Students must also be collected from the dojang by a parent or guardian following classes.  We are unable to allow students to leave without being collected by responsible adult.

Important waiver information – We are in the process of ensuring all our students have current waivers in our system.  If you received an email (please check your junk folders) from Sangrok with a link to sign a waiver, please do so, and include any children who also train by selecting the “Adult with dependents” option.  Please note, all students, whether ongoing or trial, and non-member parents who are just on the mats to help their children need to have a current, signed waiver in our system.  Please see one of our instructors if you have any questions or need to sign a waiver.

Training in the extreme heat and smoky conditions – You should have received an email from Sangrok with information about training on hot and/or smoky days.  Please note that it is up to students and their families to determine if the conditions are appropriate for training on an individual basis.

Yearly insurance and Australian Taekwondo memberships due – Our yearly insurance and Australian Taekwondo membership payments are due.  To reduce the financial impact on our students we have capped the cost at $30 per student with the remainder of the fee being covered by Sangrok.  Insurance and AT membership will be charged to accounts in the first week of February 2020, however, please speak to your instructor if you have any concerns.  Keep an eye on your emails for more information.

Sangrok Summer Shirts – T-shirts are available online now! They take a couple of weeks to arrive, so order now in time for summer! We suggest buying a size bigger for extra movement while training. Great Christmas present idea for your taekwondo loving family member! There are also couple of sizes remaining to purchase in the club if you don’t want to buy online.

Buy them here!

Entertainment Book –   The Entertainment Book gives you lots of discounts on dining, entertainment and services in the Canberra area AND you will be supporting Sangrok at the same time! The perfect present for that person who has everything! Purchase your copy here.

Join our Facebook group – Keep up to date with all the latest news! The Sangrok Australia Page can be found hereOur private Sangrok Students Facebook group can be found here and is full of useful information about upcoming events and training.

Instagram – Our Instagram account has lots of pretty pictures! Check it out here!