Welcome back to Sangrok in 2021! We hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing break and you’re ready to start training again from Monday! We have a great year of training in store for you and can’t wait to get back on the mats!
Training schedule
Our training schedule for 2021 remains unchanged. We have classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Please remember to pre-register for classes. Pre-registering for classes ensures that we can maintain adequate social distancing in the dojang and also keep an accurate register of attendees.
Covid update
While there are no changes to restrictions for training and activity in Canberra, there have been a number of cases detected in both NSW and VIC over the break, with some travel restrictions and quarantine requirements in place. We would like to remind our students to refrain from training if you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms and to seek medical advice regarding Covid testing. If you attend the dojang while you are unwell, you may be asked to leave.
Insurance fees
Our yearly insurance and Australian Taekwondo membership payments are due. To reduce the financial impact on our students we have capped the cost at $30 per student with the remainder of the fee being covered by Sangrok. Insurance and AT membership will be charged to accounts in late January or early February, depending on when your membership payment is due. Please speak to your instructor if you have any concerns or would like to split your insurance fees up over a number of payments.
Club clean up
We have been busy at the dojang over the break. All the mats have been re-laid, the layout of some furniture has changed and we have changed the location of some equipment. With this in mind, can any students who have sparring gear stored at the club please take it home with you at the earliest possible opportunity as we no longer have space to safely store it. This was a big job that took many many hours, so we would appreciate your help in keeping our training space clean, tidy, and safe for all members! This will also help our cleaner to efficiently disinfect surfaces.
Bowing etiquette
As part of the work done to improve our dojang over the break, the Australian and Korean flags have been hung above the mirror. Please bow towards the flags as you enter and leave the dojang. This signifies that you respect the art of taekwondo and the space in which you train. Bowing to the flags isn’t a form of nationalism, but rather an extension of respect to the art itself, by showing respect to taekwondo’s birthplace.
Returning club equipment
If you have borrowed equipment from Sangrok (mats, kicking paddles or pads, step/bench, foam roller, boards, medicine balls etc), please return them to the club.
In particular, we are missing 2 black kicking pads. Our club is run solely by volunteers and all our profits go back into the club, to make Sangrok better for everyone, so it is very disappointing when equipment goes missing.
Unfortunately, we are no longer able to lend out gear as it is important that training equipment is available for class use. If you would like to buy equipment to train at home please have a look at the SMAI website. We can order on your behalf and pass our substantial club discount on to you.
Spare uniforms and bits and pieces
There are a number of spare uniform tops and pants, second-hand uniforms and t-shirts that we are giving away. They have been laid out on the black bench at the back of the dojang. Please take a look and help yourself to anything you would like.
During the Summer months (December, January, February) students are permitted to wear t-shirts to training. Sangrok shirts can be purchased online.
Students should wear a Sangrok tshirt, available from our online store*, or a plain navy or white tshirt. Please no singlets.
Please note that full dobok must be worn for gradings and other formal events.
Student spotlight
Name: Caiden
Belt: Red belt
Favourite kick: Back side kick
Why did you start taekwondo? My aunt, who knows Pravin, got me into it
Have you had other martial arts experience? I also do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Do you enjoy other sports? Rugby league and soccer
What do you love about taekwondo? The instructors and learning new skills
Favourite food: Nachos or chicken wings
Favourite movie, TV show, book etc? Black Clover
What is/was your favourite subject at school? Science
Do you have a life motto? If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door
What do you do for work or fun? Rugby league and PS4
What is something we might not know about you? I’m allergic to cats
Your advice for someone starting taekwondo: Try hard, listen to the instructors and have fun
Social media
Please follow us on social media and share our pages with your friends and family!
We also have a private Sangrok Students Facebook group so you can keep up with all the latest news, share photos and chat with other members.