Congratulations to everyone who graded today! We had over 50 students who progressed and we are very proud of each and every one of them! Keep practising and training hard!

Christmas close Sangrok will be closed from 23rd December and classes will resume on Monday the 7th January 2019. The last training session of the year will be on Saturday 22nd Dec. The first training session of 2019 will be on Monday the 7th January.

Sangrok end of year party is on Sunday 9th December, 11.30am to 1.30pm. Please RSVP via the website by COB Tuesday. We will be celebrating our success in 2018 and giving parents an overview of our plans for 2019 (for parents and adults), games for the kids, having our first birthday cake and maybe even some awards. If you have a spare picnic rug please bring it along and we will make it a picnic on the mats!

Survey As part of our first birthday we have sent out a survey to get your feedback on the club. Please complete ASAP as we are eager to hear from you and implement improvements for 2019!

Workshops Thank you to everyone who participated in our workshops. Sparring, self-defence and beginner workshops all had a fantastic turn out. We would be very interested to hear from you (or let us know via the survey) if you would like workshops with any particular focus in 2019.

Introduction to Sparring Due to the success of the introduction to sparring classes, they will now be a permanent class on the timetable from 6-7pm on Tuesday nights. Anyone interested in trying is welcome anytime! Please arrive at 5.45pm to warm up and get gear on to begin training at 6pm sharp. You will need to bring your own mouthguard. Chest guards are provided for the first few weeks then everyone is encouraged to purchase their own for hygiene reasons. Sparring is a requirement for grading from blue belt onwards so it’s worth learning the basics and gaining confidence early. There is no extra cost to attend the class as it’s included in the fees however, a basic sparring kit including chest guard, foot/shin guards are available for purchase for $70. Or individual pieces of equipment, such as arm and elbow ($30), and headguards (red $30/blue $32) for the serious martial artist are also available as well as groin guards.

Equipment Need a spare dobok? Kids outgrown the old one? Want to rock some taekwondo shoes? Need extra padding for sparring? There is quite a bit of equipment available for purchase at Mitchell. Please see the website or speak to us if there is anything extra you may need.

We have a new student sign in system. Please remember to sign in every lesson on the iPad (ask an instructor if you have any questions). This WILL determine if you have met grading prerequisites for attendance and allows us to manage the timetable appropriately through 2019.

New Timetable Always check the website for the latest timetable. Please note we will be reviewing the timetable for 2019 to bring more options and accessibility for everyone. Please check back in the new year.

Summer Training Shirts. Men’s, Ladies and Kid’s Sangrok t-shirts are now available to purchase for $35 each. These t-shirts can be worn during training in the summer months between 1st of Nov 2018 and 28 Feb 2019. There are still some cotton style shirts available for $25.

Join our Facebook group. Keep up to date with all the latest news! Our student Facebook group can be found  here.