HAPPY TWO YEARS! – As of 1st October, Sangrok has been at our current premises in Mitchell for 2 years!

TIMETABLE Please note timetable changes which will be in effect from the end of September. Due to low numbers Thursday night sparring and Monday night 7.30pm class have been cancelled.

GRADING – Please note the date for grading – Saturday 28 SEPTEMBER – by invitation only. Further information to follow for those who have met the requirements. Any questions please ask Pravin or Tripharn. For junior belts there is a grading preparation workshop THIS Sunday. Please REGISTER NOW. Cost is $30 per person.

Self Defence Workshop – A self defence workshop will be running on Sunday 15th from 3-5pm. Please register your interest asap. Cost is $30.

New Neighbours – As mentioned last month, new tenants have moved into the building upstairs. This means that while the front door may be open on the ground level – Sangrok upstairs may NOT be. The club is generally open ten minutes prior to class. Please don’t leave students unattended before this time.

LAST CHANCE! – It would really help if you could complete our survey. It’s ten short questions and we would really like to hear what you love about Sangrok and how we can improve our club. It should only take 5 mins and will help with our forward planning

Get to know your instructors – Each month we will send you the link to the profile of one of our instructors. Let’s start with Master Pravin! He’s our head instructor and the reason we have Sangrok Australia.

Entertainment book –  Sangrok are fundraising again with the entertainment book. The book costs $60 and is available in digital or hardcopy form. Twenty percent goes straight back to the club. Purchase your copy here.

Instagram – our new instagram account is up and running! Check it out here!

Join our Facebook group. Keep up to date with all the latest news! The Sangrok Australia Page can be found here. Our private Sangrok student Facebook group can be found here.